Our Journey…
In 1889 Charles and Myrtle Fillmore founded the Unity Church in Kansas City, Missouri. After Mrs. Fillmore's remarkable healing using prayer and affirmations, many friends became interested in how she accomplished this healing. Unity grew from small prayer circles in living rooms to the worldwide movement it is today.
On July 16th of 2006, after a few short weeks of meeting in private homes, a similar group grew quickly. Before long over 20 people came together under the guidance of Rev. Amanda Howard, to create the Unity Church in Jensen Beach.
In September of 2006 a Steering Committee was formed to apply for affiliation with the Association of Unity Churches Worldwide.
Following the completion of all requirements, Unity Church in Jensen Beach was approved on August 31st of 2006.
On October 1st of 2006, Unity Church of Jensen Beach began meeting in a home that was completely renovated and converted to church use exclusively with kitchen, 2 offices, 2 porches and a capacity of 48 seats.
After the transition of Rev. Amanda, the church continued with guest ministers until October 1, 2022 when Rev. Julia Baginski became our officiating Minister and spiritual leader.
Sunday, September 10, 2023 was the last service at the Indian River Drive location. The church moved to a new location. Beginning September 17th, 2023, Unity Church in Jensen Beach now meets regularly at 3472 NE SAVANNAH RD, JENSEN BEACH for services at 10:00 am every Sunday throughout the year.
All are welcome, and we look forward to welcoming you.
Wednesday Meditation @ 11:30 am
Join us for 30 minutes of intentional meditation with Rev. Julia, NOON Wednesdays in the church or on Zoom. Click below for more information.
Rev. Julia Baginski, Minister
David Dew, President
Reid MacLeod, Vice President
Betty Danet, Secretary
Ron Burger, Treasurer
Kevin Clancy, Trustee at Large
Gladys Clancy
Kevin Clancy
Volunteers are indispensable at Unity Church in Jensen Beach!
Serving is part of the fabric of any healthy local church. It is through volunteer support and service that the church’s small, but vital, tasks get accomplished. Our volunteer positions are open to all individuals who would like to make a difference in church operations. Most volunteer areas require a minimum sacrifice of your time but will help Unity Church in Jensen Beach receive maximum benefit.
There are many opportunities available to offer your time and talent at our Unity Church and in whatever area you would like to serve. You may want to volunteer only occasionally or on a more consistent basis. We have listed only a few possibilities where you can help others and receive the blessing of new friends.
Some areas where volunteers are needed:
Greeters, Platform Assistants, Singers, After Service Clean-up, and many more.
See Rev. Julia, Dave Dew or any other Board member.
Refreshments are always available and greatly appreciated for hospitality on the patio.after the service. Sometimes they magically appear. Other times, you buy the food and bring it and the church will reimburse you up to $30. Please note that although there is a refrigerator and a microwave, there is no place to wash dishes. Please be sure to take your dishes home or use disposable dishes. Thank you.
See Dave Dew to get on the schedule.
We are always looking for volunteers.